Watershed Management and Restoration

Explosive population growth in American Samoa has led to rapid development. Most of the population of American Samoa resides on the island of Tutuila. However, merely 30% of the land area has a slope of less than 30% and is, therefore, considerable habitable land.

As a result, the island's population density is 2,800 people per square mile. Most of the land favorable for development lies adjacent to the coast. This density places a considerable and ever-increasing demand on American Samoa’s coastal areas.
Streams entering coastal waters carry large amounts of sediments and nutrients stemming from the many homes and businesses located along them.

What can you do?
Ways to reduce land-based sources of pollution and help protect American Samoa's coral reefs and other natural resources:
Protect and plant native vegetation
Promote vegetation buffers around waterbodies
Wash your vehicle on grass or gravel, not on the street or hard driveway
Find an AS-EPA Lube Cube at local gas stations for used motor oil
Install a rain garden
Don’t be a litter bug
Compost kitchen and yard waste
Be mindful of what you put in storm drains, ditches, streams, and the ocean
Only use a small amount of pesticide or fertilizer, follow labels, and apply it well before it rains
Collect rainwater with a rain barrel or cistern
Identify and fix erosion issues
Properly dispose of lawn and household chemicals
Your gutters’ downspouts should empty into your yard, not the driveway or sidewalk
Talk with your community about environmental issues (using a watershed model, for example) and what we can do to help strengthen our ecosystems, economy, and culture. Explore more ways we can protect and improve our reefs.